This is it: I am utterly disgusted with the entire presidential campaign. I expect
some childish antics on the part of whichever nominees are elected. I expect it. Yet, they always amaze me with the depths of depravity they are willing to wallow in. Slinging muddy sandbox sand back and forth and crying loudly, "I'MRIGHTI'MRIGHTLISTENTOMEMOMMYI'MRIGHT," their so-called policies and sycophantic promises are deafened only by their immaturity. They are drowning in the things people want to hear and are not really
looking outside the box. They are not really
caring. I was under the impression from my U.S. History and Politics classes that you had to be 35 to run for president, but I'm beginning to doubt the accuracy of my information. It sickens me that my two-year-old daughter displays more maturity when I take her favorite cup away than either Obama or McCain show in their ostensibly adult politics.
What makes it worse is that the American public can be compared to parents standing nearby, egging their children on. We are so enamored with drama, that we encourage it in our politicians. I am certain that if the American public (and especially the media) showed the least bit of maturity, the politicians would not throw it out the window along with their sense. It is embarrassing to the nth degree. I want to internationally hide my face in shame. Perhaps I shall start wearing a burkha so I won't be recognized. There is little to no chance that our "exalted country" would elect a reasonable, tough but kind person even should one run for office.

I was joking about writing Mitt Romney in for president. It's not that I entirely agree with him, but that I could live with him in the White House, and I cannot stand either of the presidential candidates with one iota of tolerance. I think I'm going to change my write-in vote to my friend's cat,
Mo, however. "Mo" is short for "Mo Evil Cat Genius" and I imagine he would do a better job of president than any human interested in the job. He has no chance of winning, as he reaches neither the age nor species requirement, but my vote for him would make my opinions of the presidential candidates perfectly clear (not that it would make a difference). His platform is "Moderation, Sense, and a Litterbox in Every Home." I prefer a candidate who is openly trying to take over the world and subvert the masses.
On a note of complete seriousness and sobriety, however, I do believe that there is no way to morally vote in this election. I feel that if everyone took off their
colored shirts, dropped their pet issues for just one moment and really
looked at the sorry situation American politics is in, they would leave their shirts in the mud and depart far wiser people. The system is broken, folks. I know it sounds pessimistic, but I believe it is only a matter of time before the consequences show. We will pay for our choices. Of that, I have no doubt.
In order for someone to get high enough in politics to truely make a difference, they have already sold their integrity to the highest bidder. Pessismistic, I know. But I have a hard time believing that any candidate (no matter who or the party) is truely "one of us."
ReplyDeleteI have also been upset about the presidential campaign.
ReplyDeleteWhat helped me laugh off some of the "childish antics" and renewed my perspective was to read again about the kinds of things that went on during the American Revolution period and the decades following. Talk about mud-slinging and hyperbole! This year's campaign really quite tame in comparison.
As a country, we not only survived all the truth-twisting and vilification of the past, we thrived. I imagine we will continue to thrive after this election, no matter who wins. :)
Sometimes remembering the past helps me understand the present state of politics BUT I think we've sunk to greater lows than ever before.. something about 'without natural affection'.
ReplyDeleteThe founding fathers may have pulled some stunts in their day but somehow they found a common ground. Look at Lincoln, he put men in his cabinet that openly opposed him.
I watch the Conventions and hear the pretty words and think, maybe this will work out. Then the time to live up to the pretty words comes and they fall so short of their professed ideals you can't even remember them anymore.
Yes, we must receive better from our media as well.
And don't even get me started on the general public's part in all this.
I sympathize with your sentiments here. I hate now negative politics is.
ReplyDeleteI do think you are a little more pessimistic than I am though. For me, in this election, there is one politician who is far and away the better person and has the better policies. I'll not say who that is. I think that you are way too extreme when you suggest that there is no way to morally vote in this election. I think that it's important that we be actively involved in politics, even in an imperfect or "broken" world. For some, this might mean voting for an alternative candidate. For others, though, it will mean voting for -- and perhaps even advocating for -- the candidate who they think is the best.
I will say, though, that one could certainly have your same opinions (about McCain and Obama) about Mitt Romney. Both during and after his candidacy, Romney has played the negative politics game to an extreme, in a way that I consider to be quite mean spirited.
Robin—I'm giddy that you're posting!
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with you. I think you can make Congress without entirely selling your integrity, as I've been highly favorably impressed by one Senator, but I think it's rare. Presidential candidacy, however, erases all bets.
RoAnn—of course, there is always worse. But right now that isn't terribly comforting to me, I'm afraid.
Jendoop—If it were just pretty words, it would be on par with what I expect. Its the blatant ugly words that make me shudder.
Dennis—What you say about Romney may be true, but my vote at this point is a vote of no confidence. I've heard the argument before that says you should vote even if you can't find someone to sincerely vote for, but to me that only perpetuates the illusion that everything is hunky-dory.
Mo's campaign is gaining ground.